La Germania detta linee guida ferree per la guerra contro il virusCorona
🔹 In GERMANIA causa epidemia
🔹 fino a lunedi 31 agosto 2020🔹 grandi eventi - concerti - festival - shows - grandi raduni pubblici - comprese funzioni religiose - Bar - caffe - ristoranti - cinema - locali musicali
rimarranno tutti chiusi & vietati fino a lunedi 31 agosto 2020.
🔹Si consiglia di indossare le mascherine nei trasporti pubblici e nei negozi.
Tuttavia, si ricorda che le mascherine non sono obbligatorie
🔹A partire da
lunedi 20 aprile aperti altri negozi al dettaglio.
Questo vale per i negozi con superfici di vendita fino a 800 mq.
🔹 Concessionarie di
auto - rivenditori di biciclette e librerie devono essere autorizzati a riaprire, indipendentemente dalle dimensioni.
🔹I saloni di
parrucchieri possono aprire se rispettano le norme igieniche ed evitano le code.
Inoltre, i dipendenti devono indossare dispositivi di protezione.
How other European countries are facing the war
/////////////////// ENGLISH VERSION ///////////////
🔹 How other European countries face the battle 🔹
🔹 Germany lays down strict guidelines for the war against the virusCorona 🔹German Chancellor Angela Merkel has announced plans to slowly ease restrictions brought in to tackle the viruscorona
The chancellor said the country must keep focused and keep going, adding that they do not have a lot of room for manoeuvre.
🔹Large public gatherings including religious services will remain banned until 31 August.
Bars, cafes, restaurants, cinemas and music venues will all remain closed.
🔹 ///// Cancelled October Fest all over Germany 🔹
But, German court overturns ban on local BEACH trips !🔹
🔹Austria: reopened Thousands of smaller shops on Apr 14 , and the country will allow outdoor sport such as tennis, golf and athletics from 1 May
🔹 Belgium: will maintain its restrictions until at least 3 May.
🔹Denmark: has reopened schools and nurseries for children up to the age of 11
🔹France: however, has extended its lockdown measures for four more weeks until 11 May.
🔹ITALY some Region have reopened bookshops and children's clothing stores
🔹 Russia Fed: veterans groups have called for President Vladimir Putin to postpone the World War Two 75th anniversary victory parade planned for 9 May, because of the risk it could pose to participants.
🔹Spain: Manufacturing industry back to work construction and manufacturing work is back under way
Source: Bild - Die Zeit - Faz - Spiegel - WirstchaftsWoche
Alfio PIzzone
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