Athena project - coord. Department of Antiquities of Jordan - utilizzo sostenibile dei Teatri antichi per lo sviluppo dei territori
- intern Conference giovedi 25 Oct 2012 - h 10 - 18 Museo Paolo Orsi Siracusa
Cooperation tra Ass. regionale Beni culturali ed identita' siciliana, dipart. di Storia, Disegno e Restauro architettura Universita' di Roma La Sapienza, resp. scientifico del progetto Athena - coord. da Department of Antiquities of Jordan - ha consentito la realizzazione del rilievo, tramite scanner laser 3D, del Teatro Greco di Siracusa e la formazione di 5 giovani in queste tecniche.
Il progetto - finanziato da Commissione Europea (Program Euromed heritage IV), ha gia' studiato i teatri di Petra e Jerash in Giordania, Merida in Spagna, Cherchell in Algeria e Cartagine in Tunisia, individuando metodologie e criteri operativi per la revisione dei piani di gestione dei teatri.
Utilizzo e tutela di una rete di TEATRI del MEDITERRANEO costituiscono il binomio intorno al quale si sviluppano i lavori della conferenza di Siracusa, che prevede una prima parte dedicata alla Cooperazione culturale ed una seconda sulla Ricerca applicata ai Teatri antichi.
Conclude i lavori Amleto Trigilio, assessore dei Beni Culturali di Regione Sicilia.
///////////// ENGLISH VERSION //////////////
Scanning of Siracusa Theater Reflects Italys ATHENA Week
- The 3D laser scanning of Sicilys Siracusa Theater taking place between 22-26 October 2012, is a major event within the ATHENA Project of the Ancient Theaters Enhancement for New Actualities.
A full team from the Dipart. Storia Architettura, Restauro e Conservazione dei Beni Aschitettonici and the Sapienza Universita di Roma (Department of History of Architecture, Restoration and Conservation of Heritage, Sapienza University of Rome), is performing the scanning that is part of an - ATHENA Week - aimed at improving the general knowledge and creating awareness of ancient theaters in the Euromed region.
As with other scanning made in the theaters of Merida (Spain), Petra and Jarash (Jordan), and Carthage (Tunisia) the profiling and documentation activity is accompanied by the training of local professionals officials and students on the latest digital technologies to improve and protect the state of ancient theaters in that region of Italy.
- This is the fourth ATHENA Week after the full activities made in Spain, Jordan and Tunisia, and we are following suit to strengthen the links between the theater, its history, functions and use - says Project Leader Prof. Carlo Bianchini.
The six-day activity, which ends in a final conference for dissemination and discussion, is made in cooperation with the Department of Antiquities - ATHENA Project, Jordan, Parco Archeologico di Siracusa (Archaelogical Park of Siracusa, Sicily), Direcciσn Regional para el Patrimonio Cultural (Regional Direction for Cultural Heritage) and the Centro Regionale per il Restauro (Regional Center for Restoration).
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TAGS: Sicily archeo news Oct 2012, progetto Athena - coord. da Department of Antiquities of Jordan - Siracusa 25 Oct 2012, Say Athena - and you think archaeology - Europe - cultural heritage, Athena the project is to coordinate policy and best practice, Project Leader Prof. Carlo Bianchini, EuroMed Heritage 2012
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