Siciliana Storia Patria East China Normal University Peking University intern Conference The Rise of a Multipolar World: Sino-European Relations Palermo 29 Jun - 1 July 2012 China in Sicily
The Rise of a Multipolar World: Sino-European Relations
in the Last Decades of the Cold War (1960s-1980s)
Palermo - Italy: June 29—July 1 2012. JUNE 29
Società Siciliana per la Storia Patria - Palermo
Centro Machiavelli per gli Studi sulla Guerra Fredda (CIMA), col supporto di Fondazione Roma - Mediterraneo e in collab. Woodrow Wilson Intern Center for Scholars, East China Normal University - Peking University, intern Conference THEMA:
The rise of a multipolar world: sino-european relations in the last decades of the cold war” (1960-1980)
da venerdi 29 giugno a domenica 1 luglio 2012
c/o Società Siciliana per la Storia Patria,
piazza San Domenico 1 Palermo
CHINA conferenza (traduzione simultanea: italiano - inglese - cinese), occasione per approfondire - tramite la raccolta di fonti orali di storia diplomatica e lo studio di documenti archivistici recentemente emersi - la comprensione storica del riflesso che la crisi sino-sovietica e il successivo riavvicinamento tra Washington e Pechino hanno avuto sui rapporti sino-europei.
Nel corso delle 3 giornate di lavori, gruppo intern. di esperti di storia delle relazioni intern. si confronta con i protagonisti della diplomazia cinese ed europea dell'epoca per tentare di ricostruire le principali dinamiche che caratterizzarono l'evoluzione dei rapporti sino-europei tra gli Anni ‘60 e la fine della Guerra Fredda.
I partecipanti avranno modo di approfondire in tal modo la consapevolezza storica di eventi che ancora oggi ispirano a fondo i percorsi del nostro presente.
RELATORI & CONTATTI * 29 June 2012
h 9:00—10:00 Opening remarks
Prof. Ercole Pietro Pellicanò, Vice President, Fond.Roma - Mediterraneo
Dr. Salvatore Savoia, Director, Società di Storia Patria
Prof. Shen Zhihua, Director, ECNU
Dr. Christian Ostermann, Director, CWIHP
Prof. Leopoldo Nuti, CIMA
h 11:15—13:00 First Panel: The Sino-Soviet Split and its impact on the relationship between China and Eastern Europe (1st part)
Chair: Dr. Christian Ostermann (CWIHP)
Discussants: Prof. Shen Zhihua (ESNU), Prof. Peter Vamos (Hungarian Academy of Science), Dr. Jovan Cavoski (PKU)
Panelists: Amb. Fan Chengzuo (PRC), Amb. Pei Yuanying (PRC), Amb. Mei Zhaorong (PRC)
h 15:45—16:45 Second Panel: The Sino-Soviet Split and its impact on the relationships between China and Eastern Europe (2nd part)
Chair: Prof. Vladislav Zubok (Temple University)
Discussants: Prof. Li Danhui (ESNU), Prof. Zhang Bai Jia (Party History Research Center), Prof. Ana Lalaj (Albanological Study Center)
Panelists: Amb. Ksawery Burski (Poland), Amb. Ioan Romulus Budura (Romania), Amb. Roland Bimo (Albania)
h 17:00—18:30 Discussion
Sa JUNE 30 2012
h 9:15—10:15 First Panel: The Sino-American engagement and its impact on the relationship between China and Western Europe (1st part)
Chair: Prof. Massimiliano Guderzo (CIMA)
Discussants: Prof. Zhai Qiang (Auburn University, Dr. Enrico Fardella (PKU), Dr. Garret Martin (George Washington University)
Panelists: Amb. Cai Fangbo (PRC), Amb. Chen Baoshun (PRC), Amb. Gabriele Menegatti (Italy), Amb. Claude Martin (France)
h 10:30—12:00 Discussion
h 15:30—16:45 Second Panel: The Sino-American engagement and its impact on the relationship between China and Western Europe (2nd part)
Chair: Prof. Chen Jian (Cornell University)
Discussants: Prof. Bernd Schaefer (CWIHP), Prof. Luo Yangyi (Editor of Journal of Cold War International History), Prof. Bruna Bagnato (CIMA)
Panelists: Amb. Yang Chengxu (PRC), Amb. Ma Zhengang (PRC), Amb. John Boyd (UK), Amb. Egon Bahr (Germany)
h 19:00—21:30 Dinner on the terrace of ‘La Rinascente’
h 9:00—10:30 First Panel: The Sino-Soviet-American Triangle dynamics’ impact on Sino-European relations
Chair: Prof. Svetozar Rajak (London School of Economics)
Discussants: Prof. Niu Jun (PKU), Mircea Munteanu (Office of the Historian, US Department of State), Prof. Guido Samarani (University of Venice)
Panelists: Amb. Mei Zhaorong (PRC), Amb. Zhou Xiaopei (PRC), Amb. Ioan Romulus Budura (Romania), Amb. John Boyd (UK)
h 11:00—12:30 Discussion
h 15:30—17:00 Round Table
Chair: Prof. Peter Vamos (Hungarian Academy of Science)
Discussants: Prof. Leopoldo Nuti (CIMA), Prof. Shen Zhihua (ECNU), Dr. Christian Ostermann (CWIHP)
Panelists: All Chinese & American Ambassadors
h 17:15—18:00 Conclusions: Prof. Chen Jian (Cornell University)
///// Federica Cedro (Project Coordinator):
Elena Zacchetti (Project Coordinator):
Enrico Fardella (Project Leader):
MORE info
TAGS: Italia - Cina 2012 workshop in sicily, Shen Zhihua - Director, ECNU, Christian Ostermann director CWIHP, Leopoldo Nuti CIMA, Rising Powers and the Global Economy in Sicily Palermo, Palermo - Italy: June 29—July 1 2012. JUNE 29 - The Rise of a Multipolar World: Sino-European Relations, Palermo University & Società Siciliana per la Storia Patria - Palermo, fondazione italia - cina 2012
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