Asia • Milano/Pechino Air China New . . . Beijing-Milan 3 weekly flights • The first start 15 Jun 2011
Air China inaugura Milano / Pechino Mercoledi 15 Jun 2011 Airbus A330 3 volte per settimana
Air China (Star Alliance Airlines Member) inaugura Mercoledi 15 giugno 2011 la rotta Beijing-Milano.
• il collegamento operato con Airbus A330 3 volte per settimana (lunedì, mercoledì e sabato).
Questa nuova rotta rappresenta un'ulteriore espansione del Network di Air China in Europa - ha dichiarato Zhou Enyong, general manager marketing department di Air China -.
Dall'ingresso della Compagnia Aerea in Star Alliance (Lufthansa Leader) nel 2007, il Network intern Air China ha raggiunto 29 Paesi.
Le Nuove rotte Europee contribuiscono a soddisfare la crescente domanda di viaggi verso l'Europa, apportando inoltre offerte vantaggiose sia per i passeggeri Cinesi che per quelli Europei.
Mercoledi 11 maggio 2011 Air China apre anche la rotta Beijing - Atene con scalo a Monaco di Baviera, servita sempre con Airbus A330, 2 volte a settimana (mercoledì e sabato).
///////////////// ENGLISH VERSION /////////////
Air China's Beijing-Milan route will offer flights every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, on flight numbers CA949 and CA950.
Outbound flights will leave Beijing at 13:30 and arrive in Milan at 19:00.
Return flights will depart from Milan at 13:30 and arrive in Beijing the next day at 13:30.
• The trip is 11 hours and 30 minutes each way.
///////// Air China officially launched a direct Shanghai-Milan route in May, 2008, but the route from Beijing to Milan is yet to be opened.
In the past, the journey would normally take passengers approximately 17 hours to complete and usually required a transfer.
• The New route will not only make the trip more convenient but also save a lot of time.
///////// • Mr. Zhou Enyong, General Manager of Air China's Marketing Department, said, "The Beijing-Milan route is an expansion of Air China's network in Europe, successfully making Air China the airline with the most European routes among China's domestic airlines.
Air China is committed to building its domestic and international network.
Since joining the Star Alliance in 2007, Air China's international network has been strengthened to cover 29 countries and regions.
Moreover, our new routes to Europe will help satisfy growing market demand for travel to Europe and bring more convenience to both Chinese and European passengers
////////////// Air China starts flights to Athens Greece on May 11th 2011
On 11th of May 2011, Air China will begin direct flights to Athens, according to what declared the under-secretary of Culture and Tourism of Greece, Mr Giorgos Nikitiadis, in the today’s meeting with the representatives of Air China.
The flights of the Chinese Company to Greece will start on May 11th and will be via Munich.
The undersecretary expressed the certainty that the air connection of the two countries will be increased.
At the moment, there will be two flights per week, via Munich while according to the undersecretary, the objective is the implementation of direct flights in a daily base.
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TAGS: Air China's Marketing, Asia, Air China, Athens, Beijing-Milano, Beijing - Atene via Munich, Giorgos Nikitiadis, sicilydistrict, Jun 2011 Milano Pechino, Zhou Enyong, Airbus A330, Star Alliance, Star Alliance Airlines Member
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