🔹2021 ➤ After virus alert All New Dates ➤ Food - Gourmet Wines & Spirits expo show in Koln - Verona - Trieste - Roma - Rimini - Parma - Hamburg - Etna - Dusseldorf - Bologna - Berlin - Barcelona - DUBAI
🔹 🔹🔹 in DUBAI🔹Dubai Food Festival 2021 (DFF)🔹until Mar 13
Dubai Food Festival is back for 2021
Chef’s tables, masterclasses, top value menus and more
These include culinary diversity, authentic and homegrown cuisine, unique restaurant experiences and exceptional value for money. - Highlights will include Dubai Restaurant Week, where you’ll be able to dig into a tasty limited-edition menu at more than 30 restaurants in Dubai. There will also be special foodie experiences, including chef’s tables, masterclasses, chef collaborations and more.
Also back this year is the Etisalat Beach Canteen, which will focus on Dubai’s growing food scene, both international and local.
Once again this year Dubai Food Festival is teaming up with Time Out Dubai Restaurant Awards. We’ve just announced the nominees for 2021🔹 🔹🔹
Various locations across Dubai. Feb 25-Mar 13.

🔹24 - 26 aprile
🔹Etna Wine Show 🔹🔹Catania confermata 2021 ETNA brand esercita fascino sempre intenso che richiama Winelovers da ogni dove🔹
ETNA 13a Wines contrade Etna ricca di novità NEW Location de il Picciolo Etna Golf Resort & Spa di Castiglione wine show Vino vulcano 🔹new Il Picciolo Golf club Castiglione
🔹☀️🔹☀️🔹☀️🔹☀️🔹☀️🔹☀️🔹DIGITAL EDITION🔹
mer 15 - gio 25 Mar 2021🔹
Marca fiera 🔹 BOLOGNA
in Bologna fiera -17 edizione MARCA - Private Label Conference and Exhibition
SI RIPOSIZIONA A MARZO, mercoledi 24 & giovedi 25 🔹IL Grande APPUNTAMENTO dedicato al comparto dei prodotti MDD
🔹 17esima edizione di MarcabyBolognaFiere🔹 organizzata da BolognaFiere in collab. con ADM, Ass Distribuzione Moderna, Leader per il settore di MDD in cui GDO si presenta Protagonista

FAI NEW DATA IN Jun 23 & 24
🔹 PARMA imprevedibilità della pandemia ha suggerito a Fiere di Parma e a Federalimentare di valutare lo spostamento in avanti della data di apertura di Cibus2021, prevista per il 4 maggio
➤ 🔹 2🔹🔹 possibilità che stanno emergendo: aprire Cibus nella 3a settimana di giugno, prima di Vinitaly, oppure agli inizi di settembre, prima del Salone del Mobile.
➤ 🔹Fiere di Parma e Federalimentare, in accordo con Ice-Agenzia e i principali attori della filiera agroalimentare, contano di poter fissare a breve la data definitiva.
Al termine di 2 sondaggi, uno tra le Aziende espositrici e altro tra i buyer nazionali ed esteri,
Fiere di Parma e Federalimentare hanno fissato le NUOVE date di
➤ 🔹CIBUS 2021: si svolge nella 1a settimana di settembre,
da martedì 31 agosto a venerdì 3 settembre 2021

🔹 Prowein 2021 postponed To Mar 2022 non si fa a causa del Virus: appuntamento dal 27 al 29 marzo 2022 in Dusseldorf 🔹

🔹 Anuga KOLN FoodTec postponed To April 2022
After extensive discussions with industry participants and the German Agricultural Society (DLG), Koelnmesse has taken the decision to postpone Anuga FoodTec. The event is now scheduled to take place from April 26 to 29, 2022.
🔹interpack 2021 Dusseldorf is Canceled, Will Return in 2023
In agreement with its partners in associations and the industry, and with the trade fair advisory committee, Messe Dusseldorf has decided to cancel both interpack and components 2021, scheduled to take place from February 25 to March 3
-🔹 Hamburg Messe has decided to cancel the physical INTERNORGA 2021 postponed To 2022 , which was due to take place in the Hamburg exhibition halls from March 12 to 16.
Instead, the viability of a digital INTERNORGA event is being investigated. Rapidly increasing coronavirus infection numbers and a second lockdown are causing major destabilization to the catering industry and events sector for the second time in just a few months. The unpredictable nature of future developments makes professional, reliable planning of a physical trade show impossible.🔹
CAMBIO DATA 🔹Macfrut 2021: dal 7 al 9 settembre 2021 in RIMINI
🔹 37a edizione della Fiera internazionale Ortofrutta in programma dal 7 al 9 settembre in Fiera a Rimini
🔹 cambia format: salone in presenza e opportunità in digitale.
🔹 Tanti focus point: 🔹 Italian Retailer Business Lounge con la Gdo Italiana,
🔹 Biosolutions International Event,
🔹 International Asparagus Days,
🔹 B2B Meeting Agenda.
🔹 Sardegna Regione partner.
The China Day Lunedi 6 Sept 2021 🔹 🔹 🔹 🔹
🔹FRUIT LOGISTICA special edition BERLIN 2021 - New date: 18 - 20 May 2021 BERLIN 🔹
🔹Olio Capitale - salone Olive Oil extra vergini tipici and Quality 28 - 30 maggio 2021 TRIESTE

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🔹SHENZHEN: China's third most important economic city, after Beijing and Shanghai, is home to the headquarters of Pacco Communication.
Shenzhen is widely viewed to be the city of innovation and digital communication, with the highest rate of economic growth in China over the last twenty years. Shenzhen Province boasts more than 3,000 wine cellars, while 30% of Chinese distributors operate in the Guangdong region.
🔹 ❤️Cooperation BOLOGNA Fairs CHINA SHENZEN ❤️ 🔹
Retail Business Association

🔹🔹 In contemporanea a Marca China, il quartiere fieristico di Shenzen, ospita Wine to Asia 2021 nuovo evento che permette di monitorare i trend emergenti del settore Wine in Cina e nei mercati asiatici e di attivare interessanti sinergie commerciali.
🔹 ///// WINES to Asia /////
08 - 10 June 2021🔹 Wine to Asia 🔹 SHENZHEN
- China - Wine to Asia is the new trade fair specifically for wine sector professionals in the Asia - Pacific area.
The event - organised by Veronafiere-Vinitaly thanks to the partnership with Pacco Communication - will be held in Shenzhen World, Shenzhen, 8-10 June 2021.
Three days of meetings, tastings and networking opportunities where producers from all over the world will have the chance to the most important Asian buyers. For more info visit Wine to Asia.
🔹 ➤ ❤️2021 ❤️🔹54a Vinitaly
🔹 🔹 🔹 🔹 > Vinitaly VERONA 20-23 GIUGNO 2021
🔹20 - 23 JUN 2021 🔹
🔹 Vinitaly 🔹🔹 VERONA
Vinitaly: Salone internazionale dei vini e distillati - Trade Fair AND Vinitaly And The City. Vinitaly and the city
VINO, WINE2WINE 🔹 🔹 🔹 ➤ 🔹 ❤️ 🔹
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ORGANIC FOOD in BOLOGNA 🔹World´s Leading Trade Fair for Organic Food 9 - 12 Sept 2021
da giovedi 9 a domenica 12 settembre presso il Quartiere fieristico di Bologna la 33esima
🔹SANA - salone internazionale del biologico e del naturale org. da BolognaFiere🔹 in cooperation con FederBio - Assobio e con il supporto ITA - Italian Trade Agency per le azioni di internazionalizzazione.
Read more
www.sana.it/home-page/1229.html //////////////////
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🔹22-26 ottobre 2021🔹
in Milano RHO - da venerdi 22 a martedi 26 Ottobre

➤TUTTOfood NOVITA TUTTOFRUIT - area dedicata al fresco ortofrutticolo e innovazioni di IV e V gamma, che valorizza i prodotti ortofrutticoli ad alto contenuto di servizio. ➤TUTTOfood anche con ➤ 🔹 TUTTOWINE, TUTTODIGITAL e TUTTOHEALTH /// e su un consolidamento dei settori tradizionali.
➤ 🔹TUTTOFOOD Milan, traditionally held in May, has been postponed to October 2021.
It is a global, innovative B2B event for the agri-food sector and a point of reference at a national and international level.
The event will now take place between 22 and 26 October to seize the opportunity to collaborate with HostMilano - the world’s leading event in technologies and solutions for the hospitality and out-of-home sector.
➤ 🔹Carlo Bonomi, president of Fiera Milano, said: At this time, we have to react in a cohesive and multifaceted way, even in the exhibition sector. - Professional events need to remain a part of companies, to help them to become more competitive in a market where innovation and globalisation are increasingly fundamental elements for the recovery of economic sectors, as well as for the country as a whole. ➤ 🔹Luca Palermo, Ceo of Fiera Milano, said - We are aware of the focus of our events and we want to transform the uncertainties at this time into opportunities.
The fact that these two strongly connected events will be running at the same time will allow for an enhancement of the entire food and hospitality sector, and Milan will once again be confirmed as an international exchange hub and facilitator of meetings and business opportunities between the supply industries.
➤ 🔹TUTTOFOOD will be a unique and indispensable event for all professionals with a solid international platform providing networking opportunities among key players in the supply industries.
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