28/29 Oct 2010 Malta• II Congresso mondiale sugli ingredienti immunitari, St Julian, Malta 2nd World Congress on Immunity Ingredients | Nutrition & Medicine

Domenica 17 ottobre 2010 | 00:00
28/29 Oct 2010 Malta• II Congresso mondiale sugli ingredienti immunitari, St Julian, Malta 2nd World Congress on Immunity Ingredients | Nutrition & Medicine

Il 2º Congresso mondiale sugli ingredienti immunitari Giovedi 28 ottobre 2010 a St Julian, Malta.

Durante questo evento si discute dei più recenti progressi compiuti in materia di immunità e salute, e di come stimolare il sistema immunitario.

Le discussioni vertono sugli effetti di questi progressi sull'influenza e l'immunità nei Paesi Europei.

Posti in evidenza il rapporto tra immunità e stress ossidativo, e le potenziali applicazioni di sostanze bioattive per prevenire o curare le malattie croniche e varie patologie legate al sistema immunitario.
Tavola rotonda dedicata agli stimolatori immunitari naturali per le patologie comuni.

2nd World Congress on Malta Immunity Ingredients

Science, Market, Regulation & Industrial Applications
How to boost General & Skin Immunity?

Radisson SAS, Saint Julian, Malta

The Scientific Committee of the International Society of Antioxidant in Nutrition and Health (ISANH) announced the final program of the 2nd World Congress on Immunity Ingredients to be held in Malta on October 28, 2010.

The aims of Malta Immunity Ingredients 2010 fit well with the actual context of many European countries concerning Flu, Influenza and Immunity, to boost human immunity, not only by vaccines but using natural ingredients.

Malta Immunity Ingredients 2010 will gather scientific and industrials from the food and cosmeceutical sector to discuss the latest advances on immunity and health and how to boost the immune health system. Inside this topic, it will be highlighted the relationship between immunity and oxidative stress and the potential applications of bioactive to prevent or treat chronic diseases and several pathologies related to the immune system.

Malta Immunity Ingredients 2010 we will emphasize on the innovations in probiotics, prebiotics and antioxidants applications (new fibers, bacterial strains…). A special communication will be dedicated to immune system of babies, seniors, obsesses and diabetics by these immunity modulators.

Pr Marvin Edeas, chairman of the scientific committee highlighted the importance of the 2nd edition of this world congress “we will allocate a special time to discuss the latest regulations of the EFSA concerning the health immunity claims. Our objective is to supply answers to the manufacturers of bioactive ingredients and to the companies whose strategies are oriented toward the health care sector. The main idea is give explicit clues to increase the legitimacy of the industrials facing the consumers and the regulatory institutions”...

A roundtable discussion with speakers and the Scientific Committee will be held dedicated to natural boosters of immunity for a common pathology: Flu, Influenza & Immunity

Among speakers of Malta immunity Ingredients:
Mrs K. Nielsen, Denmark
Mr R. Albers, The Netherlands
Dr Y. Sanz, Spain
Pr M. Edeas, France
Dr MP. Vinardell, Spain
Dr M. De Vrese, Germany
Dr C. Hill, Ireland
Dr L. Knippels, The Netherlands
Dr E. Mengheri, Italy

Malta Immunity Ingredients Awards
The Scientific Committee will select and award the most innovative project with new ingredients and/or products to enhance and boost immune system
Only ingredients and Products with high quality clinical study will be admitted.

Malta Immunity Ingredients 2010 will target researchers, R&D departments, food supplements companies, functional ingredients manufacturers, agro-food companies, marketing departments, investors, start ups and all other stakeholders interested in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and health food sector.

+ info about Malta Immunity Ingredients 2010:

About ISANH:
The aim of ISANH is to advance the practical applications of antioxidants, in all related fields, with particular reference to health and nutrition, and provide recommendations to ISANH's members, health decision makers and institutions about the last antioxidant trends, uses and problems. In addition, ISANH encourages communication and interaction among researchers, physicians, nutritionists, industrials, food technology and strategic marketing managers through a global antioxidants Network,
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