THIS TIME Brexit UK news & Analysis

Venerdì 24 giugno 2016 | 16:07
THIS TIME Brexit UK news & Analysis

Brexit News, Latest Breaking News on Brexit

English dna Genetic history of the British Isles

The UK will hold a referendum on June 23 to decide if it will stay in or leave the European Union.

Brexit Analysis NOT SO VOLATILE TIMES A View From World

Gli inglesi hanno fatto la loro decisione attraverso REFERENDUM: hanno deciso di lasciare Unione Europea.
E adesso ?

Brexit cambia le relazioni commerciali?
Con gli inglesi fuori del MERCATO EUROPEO UNICO implica la necessità di negoziare un nuovo accordo commerciale, che potrebbe rendere più costosi i nostri prodotti là.
Quindi, molto probabilmente venderemo meno prodotti italiani ai britannici.

E che cosa accadrà al turismo?
Molti inglesi scelgono di trascorrere le loro vacanze in Italia.
Lo scorso anno in Italia abbiamo avuto 9 milioni di turisti britannici, che hanno speso 8.000 milioni di euro, il 15% delle entrate del turismo totale fatturato da Italia.

//////////////////////// Brexit: the first comments

Damn! A bad day for Europe
German Economics Minister Sigmar Gabriel expressed his disappointment about an apparent U.K. decision to leave the European UnionFriday.
"Damn! A bad day for Europe, Mr. Gabriel said on his twitter account, in an apparent first reaction from a German government member to the projection that the U.K. will make a Brexit.

• It seems Britain is leaving the EU, he tweeted early Friday.
When will they start singing the 'It's-all-Putin's fault' song? Or this time, will they analyze the problems of the EU?
Russia has been under European sanctions following the Ukraine crisis and the annexation of Crimea in 2014.
Commentators and Russia observers often speculate that Russian President Vladimir Putin would like to see Britain exit the EU, as the Kremlin would prefer dealing with a weak and divided Europe.
Asked last week about the referendum, however, Mr. Putin declined to make his preference for the outcome known.
"I should say that this is absolutely none of our business," he said. "This is the choice of the British people.
Added the Russian leader: I do have a personal view as to whether this is good or not, but I will refrain from expressing it now because I think it would be inappropriate. Whatever I say will be interpreted in favor of a certain decision.

Another Scottish Referendum?
• The projected vote to leave raises questions about the future shape of the U.K., with the results showing a split between voters in Scotland, which largely voted in favor of continued EU membership, and those in other parts of the country.
Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, ahead of the vote, signaled that her Scottish National Party would push again for secession if Britain chose to leave the EU.
The vote here makes clear that the people of Scotland see their future as part of the European Union, Ms. Sturgeon said.
We await the final U.K.-wide result, but Scotland has spoken - and spoken decisively.

Interessante vedere cosa faranno Scozia e Nord Irlanda che invece alla Europa ci tengono eccome.
Soprattutto per ragioni economiche.

Ipotesi del referendum diventato cintura esplosiva per la Union Jack non e' poi cosi' azzardato.

Brexit affect . . . starts now

Alfio Pizzone


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