Camelus dromedarius Choco dromedaria from Dubai in Europa full o' falafel: Camel Milk life & food in abu dhabi & Dubai UAE 2013

Mercoledì 26 giugno 2013 | 08:44
Camelus dromedarius Choco dromedaria from Dubai in Europa full o' falafel: Camel Milk life & food in abu dhabi & Dubai UAE 2013

2013 Latte di dromedaria New entry 4 antiAge in vecchia Europa Camel Milk bio - Camel Milk Ice Cream - Camel Milk dessert - Camel Milk Soap . . .

A Vienna e Parigi si trova già il cioccolato al latte di dromedaria - prodotto che sembra avere ogni possibilità di affermarsi

EU Comunità Europea autorizza importazione di prodotti a base di LATTE di CAMELIDI della specie - Camelus dromedarius - provenienti dai Paesi terzi a condizione che tali prodotti a base di latte siano stati sottoposti a trattamento termico.

- Questo - quanto scritto sul regolamento della Commissione Europea del 27 marzo 2013 apparso su Gazzetta ufficiale di Unione Europea che autorizza l’importazione e la vendita nei supermercati di latte di dromedaria e di tutti i suoi derivati a patto che l’importazione avvenga solo da Emirato di Dubai, dove gli allevamenti sono esenti da afta epizootica e nelle aziende agricole si adottano adeguate misure sanitarie valutate in precedenza dai membri degli uffici veterinari di UE e a patto inoltre che il prodotto venga sottoposto a trattamento termico.

Caratteristiche nutrizionali molto interessanti: ricco di vitamina C e con percentuali di grasso e colesterolo più basse rispetto al latte vaccino.

Molto digeribile, ha anche un basso contenuto in lattosio, contiene buona quantità di sali minerali.

Vendita affidata a società Camelicious che si occupa di consegnare latte di dromedaria in polvere, siero di latte in polvere e latte fresco di dromedaria, esclusivamente sul canale B2B, ovvero commercio intraziendale e scopi di ricerca.

Cioccolato al latte di dromedaria Al Nassma, già in vendita
c/o PARIS Galleria Gourmet
VIENNA in Julius Meinl am Graben


//// One of the biggest challenges we face today is changing the perception of camel milk as a niche product, not for everyday use.

People drink camel milk for its novelty value, they need to be educated about the nutrients in camel milk and drink it for the health benefits instead - says April Hobbs - Public Relations Manager - Al Ain Dairy, a leading dairy products manufacturer in the UAE.
A sharp rise in demand saw Al Ain Dairy add six new flavours to the original Camelait camel milk product this April: laban, date, rose, chocolate, saffron and cardamom, with the latter two being particularly popular.

If the pending EU (European Union) commission approval comes through, camel milk production will hit a new high in the UAE as exciting trade possibilities would open up, but there is a long way to go before the country capitalises on the opportunity.
Producing camel milk is a labour-intensive and capital-intensive enterprise - says Hobbs.
We are facing a rising demand here in the UAE, which is bombarded with a shortage of supply.

Surely, there cannot be a shortage of camels in a desert country? So where does the deficit come from?
Save some hobby farms dotted over the Emirates, there are hardly any serious suppliers of camel milk in the market.
We have some 2,500 camels in our farm at Al Ain Dairy, but not all of them are lactating females - says Hobbs. Also, it is a less-known fact that camels only produce about one-fifth of what cows produce.

/////////// Camel ICE CREAM

The FAO website mentions that the world's biggest camel milk producer is Somalia, with a production of about 850,000 tonnes of camel milk a year, followed by Saudi Arabia with 89,000 tonnes.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Yet, it seems that the UAE will be the first producer of camel milk ice cream in the Gulf region.
Al Ain Dairy was born 31 years ago out of a desire to bring fresh milk to a nation that was surviving on powder milk.
It's now set to launch its own brand of camel milk ice cream by year end.
It will be a niche, high-end luxury product, competing with the top end of the market - says Hobbs.

TAGS: Camelus dromedarius Choco dromedaria from Dubai in Europa full o' falafel: Camel Milk life & food in abu dhabi & Dubai UAE 2013, camelidi 2013, camelus dromedarius 2013, dubai EXPERIENCE 2013 latte di dromedaria digeribile + vitamina C, 2013 Latte di dromedaria New entry 4 antiAge in vecchia Europa Camel Milk bio - Camel Milk Ice Cream - Camel Milk dessert - Camel Milk Soap . . .


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