Taormina workshop The Future of Cloud Computing, Strategies & Design servizi IT complessi tra i diversi domini amministrativi, piattaforme IT e geografie • 10 Mar 2011

Martedì 22 febbraio 2011 | 00:00
Taormina workshop The Future of Cloud Computing, Strategies & Design servizi IT complessi tra i diversi domini amministrativi, piattaforme IT e geografie • 10 Mar 2011

TAORMINA • Si presenta progetto finanziato dalla Comunitΰ Europea che consente la distribuzione con scalabilita e gestione i servizi IT complessi tra i diversi domini amministrativi, piattaforme IT e geografie • 10 Mar 2011

Il progetto fornisce una base per una economia basata sui servizi online, in cui - attraverso la virtualizzazione tecnologica - risorse e servizi sono offerti e gestiti in modo trasparente su una base on-demand a costi competitivi con Alta Qualitΰ del servizio.

• Taormina workshop Tufutre of Cloud Computing - presenta gli ultimi risultati nel cloud computing, mettendo in evidenza il suo potenziale e descrivendo i principali risultati del RESERVOIR pionieristico progetto Europeo

• Ricercatori, amministratori di sistema, sviluppatori di software, fornitori di servizi, CIO di PMI e PA potranno beneficiare di partecipanti a questo workshop, ottenere informazioni aggiornate e avere l'opportunitΰ di assistere ad una demo live di principi di cloud computing che spiana la strada verso una nuova sfida approccio ai servizi di provisioning.

///////////////////////// ENGLISH VERSION //////////////////

Web 2.0 is rapidly taking hold, offering - the web as a platform.
In parallel, traditional client-server
computing is starting to lose ground as a new paradigm emerges - the Cloud Computing paradigm. Cloud Computing allows data centers to operate more like the Internet by enabling computing across a distributed, globally accessible fabric of resources, delivering service based on demand over the web, reducing software complexity and costs, expediting time-to-market, improving reliability and enhancing accessibility of consumers to government and business services. Thus, Cloud Computing represents a true materialization of Service-Oriented Computing's visionary promise.
Resources and Services Virtualization without Barriers (RESERVOIR) is a European Union FP7 funded project that enables scale deployment and management of complex IT services across different administrative domains, IT platforms and geographies. The project provides a foundation for a service-based online economy, where - using virtualization
technologies - resources and services are transparently provisioned and managed on an on-demand basis at competitive costs with high quality of service. This workshop will present the latest results in cloud computing, highlighting its potential and describing the main findings of the pioneering European project RESERVOIR. Researchers, System administrators, software developers, services providers, CIO of SME and PA will benefit from participating to this workshop, get updated information and have the opportunity to assist to a live demo of cloud computing principles that will pave the way towards a new challenging approach to services provisioning.

//////////////// PROGRAMME ////////////////////////

h 15:00 Opening, Antonio Puliafito, University of Messina
15:10 Cloud Computing and its applications, Benny Rochwerger, RESERVOIR Lead Architect, Senior Technical Staff, IBM in Haifa (Israel)

15:20 Enabling Technologies, the OpenNebula Framework, Ignacio M. Llorente, Professor, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
15:40 Invited Speaker (TBC)
15:50 The RESERVOIR Project: Goals and Achievements, Eliot Salant, Project Coordinator, IBM in Haifa

16:25 Cloud Computing Vision (TBC)
16:35 Industrial and government applications in the CLOUD, the RESERVOIR experience,
Eliezer Levy, SAP - Tel Aviv,
Juan Caceres, TID - Madrid, Julien
Marin-Frisonroche, Thales – Paris.
17:20 RESERVOIR demo, running real applications on federated clouds, Carmelo Ragusa Integration Leader and Demo Team
• Open questions and Closing Remarks
Session Chair and Moderator Massimo Villari, RESERVOIR Security Architect, University of Messina

+info: To ask information about the event, please contact Dr. Carmelo Ragusa,
cragusa@unime.it, or Prof. Massimo Villari, mvillari@unime.it
• • • • • • • • • •

TAGS: Closing Remarks, Computing, EU, ibm, Taormina, University, Vision, Madrid, Messina

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