Hall 4.2 - C-13 FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Calabria Clementine im Berlin 5-7 Feb 2014

Mercoledì 15 gennaio 2014 | 11:18
Hall 4.2 - C-13 FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Calabria Clementine im Berlin 5-7 Feb 2014

Agrumi Citrus Reticulata Rutacea

Clementine Day & Week-end Clementin Rosarno (Reggio), da venerdi 17 a domenica 19 gennaio more 31 Jan 2014

Refreshing, sweet, and rich in nutional values, the Clementines of Calabria PGI present characteristics that make them unique and required all over the world; they effectively represent an excellence of the native territory.

Born from the crossbreed between mandarin and bitter orange, deprived of seeds, they are easy to peel and have an unmistakable taste; they have a spherical shape and a juicy and aromatic pulp.

They are also rich in carbohydrates, sugars, Vitamins and potassium.

The high intrinsic quality content of the clementines is valorized and safeguarded by the Consortium for the protection of the PGI (Italian IGP - indicazione geografica protetta)


The Consortium main goals are: coordinating all the activities to guarantee the maintenance of a high quality standard for the production of the Clementines of Calabria PCI, and the full respect of the normative production; raising the recognition of the product and promoting its use through the reference market; creating a virtuous union among territory, producers and consumers.

Consorzio per la tutela delle Clementine di Calabria IGP
Hall - Booth Position

Hall 4.2 - C-13 FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 •

Consorzio per la Tutela IGP Clementine di Calabria
c/o Osservatorio Fitopatologico, Porto di Corigliano Calabro
Corigliano Calabro (COSENZA) Italia

Phone: +39 339 1212304 (Presidente)
Phone: +39 328 2152255 (Direttore)
Fax: +39 0983 851278
Email: info@igpclementinedicalabria.it


////////// 2a edizione del Week-end del Clementine da venerdi 17 a domenica 19 gennaio 2014 e del Clementine Day previsto per sabato 18 gennaio a Rosarno ( Reggio Calabria), promossi da Assessorato Agricoltura di Provincia di Reggio Calabria & Ass. culturale Calabria & Calabresi.

COCKTAIL-SHOW a cura del capo barman FRANCESCO CICCONE (by Gruppo Caminiti)

COOKING-SHOW a cura dello chef executive ENZO CANNATA’

LE CLEMENTINE A TAVOLA: Esposizione e degustazione di prodotti a base di clementine

In collab.: Medma Frutta & Gaetano Rao - prodotti ortofrutticoli

+ info: programma del Week-end CLEMENTINE in TOUR


TAGS: Agrumi Citrus Reticulata Rutacea, Calabria Clementine Day & Week-end Clementin Calabria Rosarno (Reggio) da venerdi 17 a domenica 19 gennaio 2014, Calabria Clementine Day more 31 Jan 2014, Calabria Clementine week berlin fruit logistica 5 - 7 feb 2014


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