6-8 Feb Sizilien in Berlin Fruit Logistica Frisch gepresste Sizilianische ORANGEN

Mercoledì 6 febbraio 2019 | 14:31
2019 ☀️ 6-8 Feb Sizilien in Berlin Fruit Logistica

Frisch gepresste Sizilianische ORANGEN & KAKTUSFEIGEN

Frisch gepresst & Blutorangensaft Vulkan Etna agri promotion products region Sicily

Sicilia aziende ed istituzioni in Fruit Logistica Berlin 6-8 Feb 2019 ☀️

Recién exprimido & Blood Orange Juice Etna Volcán Etna

➤ 6-8 Feb ☀️ LA SICILIA - Agricoltura eccellenze - igp - dop - Ortofrutta - logistica - packing - porti & aeroporti - servizi marittimi - mercati all'ingrosso - istituzioni in BERLINO FRUIT LOGISTICA - la maggior fiera globale di ortofrutta e di scambi alimentari.

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AGRICOLTURA Sicilia ortofrutticola in scena in BERLIN
La Sicilia schiera il meglio della sua ortofrutta IN - Fruit Logistica - fiera internazionale di Berlino.

18 realtà dell’agroalimentare siciliano tra consorzi di produttori, consorzi di tutela ed O.P. in questi giorni stanno esponendo i loro prodotti insieme ad altri 3.200 espositori provenienti da tutto il mondo, su una superficie espositiva di 132.000 mq.- , davanti ad un pubblico di 90 mila visitatori.




Una lunghissima lista di espositori di tutte le provincie ma maggiormente presenti quelli della Sicilia orientale.

- - ➤ ☀️O.P. La Deliziosa Soc.Coop.Agr Orange Etna Sizilien
Products: Citrus - The Blood Orange - The Red Orange - and Prickly pear of Etna PDO
Halle 2.2 A-07 - Hall 7.2a B-05


- - ➤ ☀️Consorzio di Pomodoro di Pachino IGP
Halle 4.2 C-13 - 2 nuove tipologie a marchio Plum e Mini-Plum (ufficialmente riconosciute nel 2017 con la modifica del Disciplinare di Produzione della Igp) tornano in fiera con quelle tradizionali: il ciliegino, il costoluto e il tondo liscio

- - ➤ ☀️O.P. Societa' Cooperativa Agricola Platinum in Hall 4.2 D-12 Phone: +39 0932510202
Location: in Ragusa area www.opplatinum.it


Consorzio di Tutela Arancia Rossa di Sicilia I.G.P. Hall 4.2 D-12

Autorità di Sistema al Fruit Logistica di Berlino. 6 - 8 febbraio 2019 Hall 26 F-18
- - ➤ ☀️Autorita di Sistema Portuale del Mare di Sicilia Orientale Hall 26 F-18
SIZILIEN Die Port System Authority Halle Hall 26 F-18
The Port System Authority of the Eastern Sicilian Sea is formed by the Port of Augusta and the Port of Catania.
- ➤ Augusta has the most significant natural port in the lower Mediterranean Sea, and it's leader in Italy and worldwide for oil's products handling.
The Commercial Port area is located NW of the bay outside the town centre, near the motorway to eastern Sicily, which is 1km far. The train station is also a short distance from the area and enables rapid sorting of goods arriving or departing by train.
The most common operations are the operations of bunkers, crew change, ship repair and maintenance, loading/unloading of various goods including; sulfur pills, concrete, marble, wood, mechanical parts, unique parts (wind towers).
- ➤ The Port of Catania is located right in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, equidistant from the Suez Canal, Gibraltar and the European and African ports.
Its proximity to the railway station, the underground, the airport, the dry port and the Agro-food centre and the easiness in reaching the national road and railway network gives the port of Catania a peculiarity unique all over Sicily.
- ➤ The “Centrality” that Catania owns not only as a metropolitan city but also as an intermodal network system. In less than ten minutes it is possible to reach the central railway station, the freight yard, the dry port, the agro-food market, the airport, the “Circumetnea” railway station, the industrial area and the Etna commercial district.
The traffic segment of the “Motorways of the Sea” elected the Port of Catania as a natural HUB network connection with the Northern part of Italy, both on the Adriatic corridor (Ravenna and Brindisi) and on the Tyrrhenian one (Naples, Salerno, Livorno, Genoa, and Savona) and with Malta.

- Alfio Pizzone

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