Gabala Airport new Airport in Azerbaijan schedule fly business caucasus 2012

Lunedì 24 settembre 2012 | 21:43
Gabala Airport new Airport in Azerbaijan schedule fly business Caucasus 2012

il Presidente dell’ Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev ha inaugurato a Nov 2011 il Nuovo Gabala Intern Airport, a circa 220 km a nord ovest di Baku.

presente anche Azerbaijan Airlines president - Jahangir Asgarov - che ha dichiarato che Gabala Airport θ conforme a tutti gli standard di sicurezza internazionali.

il Nuovo aeroporto puς ricevere qualsiasi tipo di aeromobile: Boeing-757, Boeing 767, Boeing-747 e aerei Antonov.

• in primavera dei voli AZAL Baku-Gabala

Gabala Airport aperto - anche - ai voli charter ed θ giΰ in trattative con varie societΰ di T.O. (Tour Operator)

MEMO Gabal Region • mini info

///// Gabala (northern Azerbaijan) 2 mila anni di storia - antica capitale Caucasian per 600 anni, situata al confine con la Georgia.

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//////// Qabala (Gabala) - Azerbaijan - no only Airport RADAR STATION SECURITY /////

However, on June 7, 2007 Russia stated that it would drop its objections of the missile defense system if the defenses were instead installed in Qabala (Gabala), Azerbaijan, at a radar station that, as of June 7, 2007, Russia is renting from Azerbaijan.

The current lease is to expire in 2012, and the Russian Government rents the radar site from Azerbaijan for a yearly sum of US$7 million for use of the installation.

The Qabala radar station is the most powerful in the region, and has a scanning range of up to 6,000 kilometers, and allows Russia to monitor missile activity in the Middle East, Asia and regions of Northern Africa.

Azerbaijan was once a part of the Soviet Union until August 30, 1991, due to the collapse of the USSR.

The radar station in Azerbaijan is a Soviet-era early warning system to detect missiles.

However, the existing radar system does not allow the level of sophistication that is demanded of the United States in identifying missile threats, and distinguishing them from missile decoys.

The United States seeks to install an X-band radar, which is used to guide antimissile interceptors, and allows operators to differentiate between the warhead, and its possible decoys.
The United States seeks to construct an X-band radar in the Czech Republic.

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TAGS: About 100 News Top Event, Azerbaijani People, Qabala (Gabala) - Azerbaijan - no only Airport , Sicilydistrict portal Top News, Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan Airlines president - Jahangir Asgarov, Azerbaijan Airports
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