Fastweb choc comunicazioni shock economy morto Mister Swisscom 23 july 2013

Martedì 23 luglio 2013 | 16:07
Fastweb choc comunicazioni shock economy morto Mister Swisscom 23 july 2013

Carsten Schloter Carsten Schloter (Erlenbach 7 dec 1963 – Friburg 23 jul 2013) ritrovato morto nel suo appartamento di Villars-sur-Glâne.

Probabilmente suicidio

Schloter aveva 49 anni.
Era Ceo Swisscom dal 2006 and presidente di Fastweb

///// Swisscom HISTORY

FASTWEB al gruppo Swisscom
da 2007 marzo - Swisscom, operatore ex monopolista delle tlc elvetiche, lancia un’offerta pubblica di acquisto totalitaria su FASTWEB.

L’operazione si conclude il mese di maggio: da quel momento la società svizzera detiene il controllo di FASTWEB con l’82,1% del capitale.

Il management di FASTWEB viene confermato; rinnovato il Cda e il Presidente.

La carica, avuta in precedenza da Silvio Scaglia, viene assunta da Carsten Schloter, amministratore delegato di Swisscom, che definisce FASTWEB - capolavoro dell’imprenditoria italiana.

Viene approvato un piano di espansione della rete per arrivare a coprire il 50% della popolazione e siglato un accordo con 3 Italia per l’operatore mobile virtuale (MVNO) i cui servizi saranno lanciati nel corso del 2008.

/////////// ENGLISH VERSION ////////////

Executive Profile* Carsten Schloter
Chief Executive Officer, Member of Executive Board and Chairman of Swisscom It Services & Fastwe, Swisscom AG

Age Total Calculated Compensation This person is connected to 25 board members in 2 different organizations across 3 different industries.

See Board Relationships
50 SFr.1,570,000
As of Fiscal Year 2011

Mr. Carsten Schloter has been the Chief Executive Officer of Swisscom AG since January 20, 2006 and has been its Member of Executive Board since March 2000.

Mr. Schloter also serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Swisscom (Switzerland) Ltd. since January 1, 2008. Mr. Schloter serves as the Chief Executive Officer ad interim of Fastweb SpA.

Mr. Schloter served as Chief Executive Officer of Swisscom Mobile AG from March 2001 to January 2006 and served as its Head of Public Com and Mobile Com since March 1, 2000.

Prior to that, he held various positions at debitel AG. In 1992, Mr. Schloter founded debitel France, where he was member of management until 1994. From 1985 to 1993, he held various positions at Mercedes Benz France SA. From 1995 to 1999, he held various positions at Debitel Germany.

Mr. Schloter has been Chairman of the Board at Fastweb SpA since June 2007.

He serves as the Chairman of Swisscom IT Services and Fastweb. He served as the Chairman of Swisscom Mobile Ltd. He serves as a Member of Supervisory Board of Vodafone D2 GmbH.

Mr. Schloter graduated from the University of Paris, Dauphine, with degrees in Business Administration in 1986.

TAGS: Carscten Schloter 23 july 2013, Carscten Schloter morto - svizzera - fastweb - swisscom jul 2013


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