8 / 12 Mar 2010 • SURVIVAL is not ENOUGH - Quality of life for CKD patients • Napoli Benevento Messina Gaziantep Catania Palermo Trieste • Medicine / Nephrology at Downstate Medical Centre

Lunedì 8 marzo 2010 | 00:00
8 / 12 Mar 2010 • SURVIVAL IS NOT ENOUGH - Quality of Life for CKD patients • NAPOLI Benevento PALERMO Salerno MESSINA Foggia Gaziantep Koper CATANIA Patras Trieste Varna • Medicine/Nephrology at Downstate Medical Centre

March 9, 2010

BENEVENTO, Italy - 3.30 PM -8.00 PM
Rettorato Università del Sannio, Benevento

Introduce e Modera: Maria Rosaria Napolitano

Filippo Bencardino, Rettore Università del Sannio
Andrea Magione, Arcivescovo di Benevento
Massimo Squillante, Preside Facoltà di Scienze Economiche ed Aziendali, Università del Sannio
Francesco Guadagno, Preside Facoltà MMFFNN, Università del Sannio
Tonino Pedicini, Direttore Generale Fondazione Pascale, Napoli

Francesco Falco - Vivere in dialisi
Libera D'Alessio - La vita dopo il trapiantato
Luigi Bellini - Sopravvivere in Madagascar
Giuseppe Acocella - Economia della salute . Diritto individuale o responsabilità sociale
Francesco D'Agostino - Etica della cura
Luigi F. Morrone - Organizzazione e costi dell'uremia a Benevento e Provincia
Francesco Vespasiano - La qualità è una relazione umana
Orazio Francesco Piazza - Aver cura, aver caro: aspetti etico-antropologici nella malattia cronica
Paolo Ricci - Verso una nuova responsabilità sociale d'impresa
Intervento preordinato: Pasqualina Iuliano

- - - - March 10, 2010

GAZIANTEP, Turkey - (9.00 AM - 1.30 PM)
Medical Faculty University of Gaziantep

Moderator: Ayse Balat

Suleyman Karuci, Provincial Governor, Glaziantep
Asim Guzelbey, Mayor of Glaziantep
Y. Ziya Yildrim, Provincial Health Governor, Glaziantep

Ayse Balat - Attention to the unseen part of iceberg: Children with CKD will be adults with ESRD.
How should we support them?
Ali Anarat - Kids have to grow in spite of kidney disease: What should be the role of a pediatric nephrologist?
Celalettin Usalan - Living with chronic kidney disease
Yahya Sagliker - Is survival enough for quality of life in Sagliker Syndrome-uglifying human face
appearances in CKD?
Unal Aydin -The effect of renal transplantation on the quality of life in CKD
Cemal Guzel - Philosophical approach to the patients with chronic diseases
Arif Ozsagir - Prevention is always cheaper than treatment : an economist perspective
Gulsum Onat - Distribution of limited resources and human rights in health and disease
A patient perspective - Living with the disease
A child's perspective - I would believe in fairy tales; however, the facts are different from the tales

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March 10, 2010

PALERMO,Italy - 9.30 AM - 1.30 PM
Palazzo Steri, Sala Magna Università
Piazza Marina 61

Modera: Maurizio Livecchi
Roberto La Galla, Rettore Università di Palermo
Adelfio Cardinale, Preside Facoltà di Medicina
Mario La Rocca, Direttore Generale Azienda Paolo Giaccone
Claudio Scaglione, Direttore Sanitario, Azienda Paolo Giaccone

Moderatori: Maurizio Li Vecchi & Pietro Palumbo

Giuseppe Nicolaci - Il dovere di vivere bene
Saldino Leone - Superare il dolore come dovere etico

Moderatori: Pietro Castellino & Epifanio Di Natale
Valentino Dardanoni - L'approcciom economico alal salute
Rosolino Camarda - Le ricadute della ricerca di base e della ricerca clinica sulla salute

Moderatori: Giovanni Cerasola & Vincenzo Savica

Ugo Rotolo - Malattia renale in Sicilia
Guido Bellinghieri - Il dolore fisico nei nefropatici

Moderano: Domenico Di Landro & Giuseppe Visconti
Silvio Maringhini - Qualità di vita nel bambino nefropatico
Mario Barbagallo - Qualità di vita nell'anziano
Fabio Rapisarda - Aspetti psicologici dei malati cronici

- - - - March 11, 2010
World Kidney Day

MESSINA, Italy - 9.30 AM - 1.30 PM
Palazzo di Città - Salone delle Bandiere
Giuseppe Buzzanca, Sindaco di Messina
Francesco Tomasello, Rettore Università di Messina
Giuseppe Pecoraro, Direttore Generale Policlinico Messina
Manlio Magistri, Direttore Sanitario Policlinico di Messina
Carmelo Fede, Professore di Nefrologia Pediatrica, Università Messina
Aldo Miceli, trapiantato di rene
Maria Teresa Rodriguez, Presidente Associazione Pazienti Riceventi Organo

10.45 Girolamo Cotronei - Il diritto alla salute
11.00 Antonio Miceli - Aspetti economici della tutela della salute
11.15 Marianna Gensabella Furnari - Aspetti di bioetica della tutela della salute
11.45 Guido Bellinghieri - Curare il Dolore
12.00 Vincenzo Savica - Curare le comorbilità nella IRC
12.15 Agostino Mallamace - Il ruolo dello staff dialitico
12.30 Michele Buemi - Il nefrologo intensivista
12.45 Domenico Santoro - Il costo della terapia dell'uremia a Messina e Provincia
13.00 Biagio Ricciardi - La dialisi nelle isole
13.15 Rocco Abate - Qualità di vita e volontariato

- - - - MARCH 12, 2010

CATANIA, Italy - 9.30 AM-1.30 PM
Centro Congressi Ospedale Cannizzaro

Moderano: Domenico di Landro & Pietrangelo Buttafuoco

Francesco Poli, Direttore Generale Azienda Cannizzaro
Salvatore Stancanelli, Sindaco di Catania
Salvatore Gristina, Vescovo di Catania

Domenico di Landro - Donazione di Organo, sfida del terzo millennio
Guido Bellinghieri - Nefropatia e vecchiaia
Pietro Castellino - Introduzione al tema bioetica
Marianna Gensabella Furnari - Etica della donazione e del trapianto
Guido Ziccone - Aspetti giuridici della sopravvivenza e finis vitae

Quality of Life
SURVIVAL IS NOT ENOUGH - Quality of life for CKD patients

The life of patients treated with dialysis and/or transplantation is characterized by many losses and many dependencies. Even the selection of foods and beverages, practising a sport, or accepting and exerting a job may be a problem. In addition patients take drugs. Many, many drugs. “Pills, pills, pills and more pills” is the title of a column written by an illustrious patients married to Eli A. Friedman, Professor of Medicine/Nephrology at Downstate Medical Centre. The field of quality of life is broad and includes non only physical health and well-being but also psychological, social, educational and occupational well-being. Since dialysis and transplantation are effective means of treatment it is now time to expand the concept including quality of life as a target for all patients and indeed any chronic disease. We are aware that “Quality of life depends on the economic power of nations, health care organization, social organization, family support, a gratifying job, the cultural background, the social net and good luck”.
Since the guild of physicians has lost its power and is in a fading phase – and therefore less able to defend patients’ needs – it is necessary to ask the help of philosophers because of their traditional ability of setting problems is perspective with man’s problem in general.
Although the right to health care is a primary need it might be difficult to grant it because of costs, we foresee not only a new cadre of health managers capable to focus their efforts on patients’ needs, but also we ask for prevention and clinical research. Both of them are Cinderella. This quest has been the core of Survival is not enough from the first edition and has now found support in Sarkozy’s plan for health care in France where it is foreseen that all university hospitals shall participate in clinical research whereas now only 3 out 29 can do it.
We cannot neglect that there is a general quest from tax payers to translate basic research into drugs and technology needed by our patients. However our society is not ready for that. Translational research should be the focus for the near future. Currently clinical research is not supported adequately and clinical scientists do not find a proper place in our brave new global world and are prevented to making their contribution to a science based on patients. We have a great faith in the capability of Europe and of the Mediterranean Area to find its own way.
Finally we feel that the female gender has a crucial role in research, diagnosis and treatment of CKD. Therefore a special event will be dedicated in Naples to women in nephrology and will deal with history, roles and careers in nursing and medical staff

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