diamene 2012 Paris Diamond Awards 4 Fabrizio Palmitessa Manager Donnafugata Golf Resort & SPA (Ragusa - Sicily) The Best spa manager

Lunedì 28 maggio 2012 | 22:14
diamene 2012 Paris Diamond Awards 4 Fabrizio Palmitessa Manager Donnafugata Golf Resort & SPA (Ragusa - Sicily) The Best spa manager

Fabrizio Palmitessa,Manager Donnafugata Golf Resort & SPA (Ragusa - Sicily) candidato al prestigioso Premio Diamond Awards org. da Forum Hotel & spa *PARIS

La cerimonia si svolge il 21 Giugno 2012 al Ritz PARIS e premia il miglior SPA Manager per meriti ed iniziative nel settore del

Onorato di aver ricevuto tale comunicazione – ha dichiarato Fabrizio Palmitessa - e fiero di rappresentare non solo l’Italia, in qualità di unico candidato, ma anche di portare alto il nome del Donnafugata Resort quale gioiello a livello mondiale nei settori benessere, leisure e golf.

Fabrizio Palmitessa, spa manager del Donnafugata Golf Resort sin dall’apertura nel luglio 2010 ha un’esperienza decennale nel
settore benessere specializzandosi in principio in Ayurveda e tecniche olistiche con studi in Italia e India ed in seguito mettendo a frutto le sue conoscenze come SPA Manager.

Tra la gamma dei trattamenti olistici proposti all’interno del
Donnafugata Golf Resort a SPA, spicca per originalità ed efficacia il Golf Sitting massage che viene effettuato su special sedia
ERGONOMICA con digitopressioni e tecniche Shiatsu specifiche. Ideale per i golfisti e coloro che soffrono di tensioni alle spalle, schiena e braccia tra uno swing e l’altro.

Un massaggio manuale dove non si usano olii e che si può comodamente effettuare in totale relax senza dover interrompere la gara e godendo dell’incantevole paesaggio

///// ENGLISH VERSION /////////// * * * * *

* * * * * Black DIAMOND Awards 2012

The SPA Manager of Donnafugata Resort nominated candidate at the Black Diamond Awards 2012

The Donnafugata Golf Resort & Spa is pleased to announce that its SPA manager, Fabrizio Palmitessa, has received a nomination for the prestigious Black Diamond Awards, an event that is organized by Paris based Forum Hotel & SPA.

The ceremony will take place on June 21st 2012 at the Ritz Hotel in Paris and will reward the SPA Manager who has most distinguished himself through his merits and initiatives in the field of wellness.

I am honored to have received this communication- said Palmitessa - and I am proud to represent not only Italy, as the sole candidate for our nation, but also the name of the Donnafugata Resort, an international jewel in the fields of wellness, leisure and golf.

Fabrizio Palmitessa, SPA manager at the Donnafugata Golf Resort since July 2010, already had over 10 years’ experience in the wellness industry, having specialized mainly in Ayurveda and holistic techniques which he had studied in Italy and India before going on to put this knowledge into practice as a SPA manager.


Among the range of holistic treatments proposed within the SPA, the Golf Sitting massage stands out for its originality and effectiveness. This massage is performed with finger pressures and specific Shiatsu techniques, on a special ergonomic chair. It is ideal for golfers, who between one swing and another, suffer from a stiff shoulder, back or arm.

A hand massage that can be performed in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere without using any oils and which will prevent you from having to quit the competition whilst at the same time enabling you to enjoy the scenery.

TAGS: ERGONOMICA con digitopressioni e tecniche Shiatsu, 2012 Paris Diamond Awards 4 Fabrizio Palmitessa, Fabrizio Palmitessa - Manager - Donnafugata Golf Resort & SPA (Ragusa - Sicily) The Best spa manager, Premio Black Diamond Awards org. da Forum Hotel & SPA con sede a PARIS


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