appeal fruit Ortofrutta import export Dubai incrementi a doppia cifra per il Bio

Domenica 30 ottobre 2011 | 00:00
appeal fruit Ortofrutta import export Dubai incrementi a doppia cifra per il Bio • Carrefour Emirates Crisis or rebranding fresh fruit and vegetables Oct 2011

Dubai si sta affermando anche come uno dei maggiori importatori di prodotti ortofrutticoli del Golfo, ma anche come un mercato di riferimento per l'approvvigionamento di altri Paesi dell'area.

Nel 2010 le importazioni da tutto il mondo hanno totalizzato 1,7 milioni di tonn per un valore di circa 1 miliardo e 60 milioni di euro.

La frutta fresca ha rappresentato il fulcro principale delle importazioni con un totale di 1,1 milioni di tonn ed un valore di circa 800 milioni di euro, mentre gli ortaggi hanno raggiunto le 590.000 tonn per un valore di circa 260 milioni.

Le riesportazioni di frutta fresca verso l'area del Golfo (Kuwait, Arabia Saudita, Qatar, Oman e Bahrein), hanno totalizzato 463.000 tonn. per un valore di circa 1 miliardo di euro, mentre gli ortaggi hanno totalizzato 53.000 tonn per 3,6 milioni.

Il volume crescente delle importazioni di prodotti dall'estero sta obbligando gli agricoltori locali - che non sono in grado di competere con gli alti livelli produttivi ed i bassi costi di manodopera stranieri - a concentrarsi su produzioni di nicchia, come i prodotti biologici.

Nei grandi supermercati locali lo spazio dedicato a queste produzioni ha continuato a raddoppiare ogni anno negli ultimi 5 anni

• English Version FOCUS •

out of crisis are bearing fruit

Dubai's gold souk is one of the largest markets for the precious metal

///// Dubai's Fruits souk is one of the largest markets
out of crisis are bearing fruit

Shindagha market owners to be compensated
No plans to offer alternate market place, says Municipality official

About 100 shops selling fish, vegetables and fruits have been shut down

A part of the Al Shindagha Vegetable and Fruit Market that was closed last week will be taken up by the French retail giant Carrefour as part of its expansion plans, while the affected shop owners will be financially compensated, according to Dubai Municipality officials.

While about 100 shops selling fish, vegetables and fruits have been shut down, slaughterhouse and the other stores will continue functioning until further notice, said a DM official.

Obaid Ibrahim Al-Marzouqi, Head of the markets Department - Dubai Municipality, denied offering an alternative market to affected traders. He said the municipality will pay them appropriate financial compensation provided they submit proof of evacuation, documents to show they paid rentals, as well as Dewa clearance bills.

He said traders can receive compensation from the Division of Leasing of investment department at Dubai Municipality.
However, he did not spell out the amount or how the statistics would be calculated.

As far as customers are concerned they can shop from Carrefour, he said.
He also refused to divulge details of the deal Carrefour struck with the municipality.
Al-Marzouqi said, the decision to shut down the market was taken in line with the municipality's plan to enhance the Emirate's financial, investment and aesthetic status. It was not a financial issue at all, he added.
He denied closing any other such markets in the Emirate.
There are markets to be developed without the expulsion of traders, such as Al Hamriyah market, he added.

He said there are plans to launch 4 markets in residential neighbourhoods, including a market for heavy vehicle equipment and an antique market.
He added the municipality had given Al Shindagha market shop owners a grace period until 2011 September 30 to vacate.
Markets like these made Dubai into what it is today.
What a shame.
These type of markets are part of heritage, and what gives Dubai character and loved by tourists.
Carrefour is nothing interesting to any body.
Instead, this market could be updated and beautify.

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TAGS: Carrefour france - Dubai, med - Emirates, sicilydistrict portal food & gdo, frutta & ortaggi, mediterraneo bio, markets Department - Dubai Municipality, appeal fruit, Ortofrutta import export, Dubai incrementi a doppia cifra per il Bio, Carrefour Emirates Crisis or rebranding fresh fruit and vegetables Oct 2011
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