Intern Botanical Short Film Festival Green filmmakers 4 culture Orchidee da venerdi 5 a domenica 7 ottobre 2012 Villa Erba Cernobbio (Como)

Lunedì 1 ottobre 2012 | 10:57
Intern Botanical Short Film Festival Green filmmakers 4 culture Orchidee da venerdi 5 a domenica 7 ottobre 2012 Villa Erba Cernobbio (Como)

* org. Orticolario & Olo Creative Farm Cernobbio (COMO)
da venerdi 5 a domenica 7 ottobre 2012 •

Orticolario lancia il 1° Festival intern del cortometraggio BOTANICO: in concorso cortometraggi dalla durata massima di 8 min. che con approcci emozionali - scientific - avventurosi o filosofici – vanno alla scoperta e alla ricerca delle numerose specie di ORCHIDEE spontanee di area Europea.

• ////// ENGLISH VERSION ////////

/// intern Botanical Short Film Festival Description //// •

• Participating filmmakers must submit a short film no longer than 8 minutes (including opening and closing credits) narrating, with no restrictions regarding form and content, the search for and the finding of one of the species of orchids that grow spontaneously in Europe.

• Video and botanical professionals and amateurs will take part in the Festival in order to document various emotional, scientific, adventurous or philosophic experiences connected to the search for and the discovery of one of these wonderful and precious flowers.

The Festival jury panel will include film industry and audio-visual professionals as well as botanics experts that will evaluate the works according to different criteria.

In order to receive a positive assessment, it is of the utmost importance to show the actual discovery, documented in the film, of one of the MORE than 300 species of Spontaneous Orchids growing in European territory.

2 specials mentions also be Awarded for

- Best sound and music and Peculiarity
of the discovered specimen of Spontaneous Orchid

TAGS: Botanic - flowers - plants 2012, Orchidee spontanee in Sicilia, Spontaneous Orchid in Sicily, intern Botanical Short Film Festival Cernobbio (Como) 5 - 7 Oct 2012, green Culture, vivai & vivaismo - flor vivaist, OLO creative farm


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