China Politburo Xi Jinping President di 1,3 miliard di cinesi New President 15 Nov 2012 Beijing Zhejiang

Giovedì 15 novembre 2012 | 20:01
China Politburo cambia Presidente Xi Jinping Presidente di 1,3 miliard di cinesi New President 13 Nov 2012 Beijing Zhejiang

Nomenklatur 18 The TH CPC (Communist Party of China) NATIONAL CONGRESS

- Hu Jintao dopo 10 anni di regno esautorato da Xi Jinping - nome di un simpatico 60nne quasi sconosciuto al grande pubblico internazionale.

Crescita & Formazione tutta fatta da dove esce il meglio della Politica Cinese: Tsinghua University, dove si sono formati molti dei principali dirigenti del grande Paese asiatico, compreso il Leader uscente Hu Jintao.

/// Xi Jinping - Presidente per i prossimi 10 anni -

Figlio di un eroe della rivoluzione maoista (Xi Zhongxun), sposato con una star della musica cinese dell´esercito cinese Peng Liyuan (con il grado di Generale), ha una figlia unica Xi Mingze - (20 years) che studia a Harvard (Usa).

Non ci sono clamori - ne emozioni ma piccole frasi mordenti: meno corruzione

Xi Jinping WHO
Appartiene alla generazione dei Principi ROSSI in quanto discendente di uno degli storici dirigenti della Rivoluzione Cinese.
Il padre Xi Zhongxun combatté al fianco di Mao Tse-tung prima di rimanere vittima dello stesso apparato.

- Xi Jinping - sembra predestinato: oltre ad essere il successore designato alla Presidenza del Partito Comunista Cinese da marzo 2013 dovrebbe essere eletto a Capo dello Stato e governare per 10 anni.

Xi Jinping PROGRAM 2012 - 2021

1° - ECONOMIA - Rafforzare economia - la Cina ha visto rallentare la sua crescita economica da 11 a quasi il 6%

In politica estera e interna Xi Jinping agirà nel segno della continuità

Obiettivo Tutelare gli interessi cinesi in Taiwan - Tibet - Giappone

//////// ENGLISH VERSION ///////////

Xi Jinping reputation clean - Rise in government

/// 1975, he entered the Chemical Engineering depart. of Tsinghua University, although Xinhua said that he was graduated from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the same university with a major in Marxist theory and ideological education.
He also trained as a lawyer.

- Xi has managed to keep his REPUTATION clean, untainted by allegations of corruption.

/// after graduation, he served as Secretary at the General Office of the State Council and was an officer in active service in the General Office of the Central Military Commission.

From these first government posts, Xi rose quickly through the ranks. In China, the sons of high-ranking cadres are known as “princeling,” but Xi, unlike many of his peers was known as a simple man, preferring work to parties and avoiding displays of lavishness.

After serving in Hebei province, in 1985, Xi took the first of several posts in Fujian, finally becoming governor of the province in 2000.

//// in 2002, when Hu Jintao came to power

Xi was transferred to Zhejiang province, which he helped turn into one of the most economically dynamic provinces in China, an Associated Press report said.

/// 2007, when allegations of corruption struck the heart of China’s financial hub, Shanghai, Xi was brought in to replace the city’s party chief.

During the last National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Beijing, Xi was named one of the four new members of the Standing Committee of the Politburo.


Xi Jinping - sposato con una star della musica dell´esercito cinese Peng Liyuan: a LOVE story

- Until a few years ago, people knew more about his wife, 彭丽媛 Peng Liyuan, than about Xi Jinping. It’s no surprise, though, as Peng is a very popular folk singer attached to the PLA General Department’s song and dance Troupe.


TAGS: China Xi Jinping New President Nov 2012, Peng Liyuan moglie di Xi Jinping, More about: Comunismo - Corruzione - Cina - China, day after Hu Jintao, Politica cinese nov 2012; Xi Jinping reputation clean


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