4714th Chinese year • Enna Kore University celebra China New Year 2017 Holidays giovedi 26 gennaio

Martedì 24 gennaio 2017 | 14:34

4714th Chinese year • Enna Kore University celebra China New Year 2017 Holidays giovedi 26 gennaio

Confucio sia con te

China Event New Year 2017 in Sicily Università KORE ENNA dedica ai propri studenti, per la 1a volta la Festa del Capodanno Cinese - evento aperto anche alla città e alle scuole
siciliane che desiderano partecipare, una giornata sulla millenaria cultura della Cina.

//////////// ENNA GIOVEDI 26 Gennaio 2017 ANNO del GALLO ///
10° segno dello zodiaco del più popoloso paese del mondo

h 11.30 in auditorium principale di Università spettacolo di arti marziali cinesi e successivamente le tradizionali danze del leone e del drago.

- Il tutto animato dagli studenti della Kore iscritti ai corsi di lingua e cultura cinese

• h 13 degustazione del piatto maggiormente conosciuto della CUCINA CINESE i ravioli a vapore - preceduta dalla preparazione in diretta,

in contemporanea allestiti anche laboratori di lingua e calligrafia cinese e di carta lavorata artisticamente.

//////////////// dalle h 17 aperti alla cittadinanza.

///////////// ENGLISH VERSION //////////////
• 2017 Chinese New Year is arriving on January 28, 2017.
That is the 4714th Chinese year •

The zodiac sign of 2017 is Chicken or Rooster.
According to the Chinese Horoscope calendar, 2017 is the Female Fire Chicken year.
Red is connected to the fire.
Therefore, 2017 is also called the year of the Red Chicken Female FireChicken or Red Fire Chicken.

According to the Chinese Horoscope theory, Chicken is a Female Metal.
Female Metal is related to gold, precious gem or jewelry.

That means Chicken implies luxury, beauty, and wealth. Red Fire of 2017 is related to the light bulb.
When the light comes on the top of jewelry, Chicken can show more value from its outlook.
- That implies we will deal with financial events in the year of the Chicken.

Chicken is the 10th animal in 12 zodiac signs.
Chicken is connected to the season of autumn.
It's the fall harvest time.
Therefore, Chicken is also connected to the fruit.
People should have relaxing or joyful time while enjoying the fruit.
That means we can have a good time after diligence in the cycle of Chicken.

Male Metal is connected to air, wind or strong current.
Female Metal is connected to fog or slow dirty air.
We cannot see our future clearly until the fog disappears.
That means Chicken blurs our vision and mystifies our decision.
We need to wait for the sun appears or fog disappears.

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